Thursday, March 4, 2010


Lab oop Answer

  • Thursday, March 4, 2010
  • Ibnu Mahmud Al-Shirazy
  • Share
  • Have you done this lab, if not here i will provide the answer for you to study it first and do your own source code, not just copy and paste. I help you and you must help me. Below is the source code: Please separate the header file, implementation and main function.

    #ifndef EMPLOYEE_H
    #define EMPLOYEE_H

    using namespace std;

    class Employee
    string name;
    int id;

    void setName (string);
    string getName ();

    void setId (int);
    int getId ();

    void show_info ();



    #include "Employee.h"
    using namespace std;

    Employee::Employee(string NM, int ID)
    setName (NM);
    setId (ID);

    void Employee::setName (string NM)
    name = NM;


    string Employee::getName()
    return name;

    void Employee::setId (int ID)
    id = ID;

    int Employee::getId ()
    return id;

    void Employee::show_info ()
    cout << "Name = " << getName() << endl;
    cout << "Id = " << getId () << endl;


    #ifndef CUSTOMER_H
    #define CUSTOMER_H

    #include "Employee.h"
    using namespace std;

    class Customer : public Employee

    string custname;
    int custid;

    Customer (string,int,string,int);

    void setCustname (string);
    string getCustname ();

    void setCustid (int);
    int getCustid ();

    void show_info ();



    #include "Employee.h"
    #include "Customer.h"
    using namespace std;

    Customer::Customer(string CNM,int CID,string NM,int ID)
    setCustname (CNM);
    setCustid (ID);

    void Customer::setCustname (string NM)
    custname = NM;

    string Customer::getCustname ()
    return custname;

    void Customer::setCustid (int ID)
    custid = ID;

    int Customer::getCustid ()
    return custid;

    void Customer::show_info ()
    cout << "Customer Name = " << getCustname() << endl;
    cout << "Customer Id = " << getCustid() << endl;
    cout << "\n\n";

    #ifndef RETAILER_H
    #define RETAILER_H

    #include "Employee.h"
    using namespace std;

    class Retailer : public Employee
    string retname;
    int retid;

    Retailer (string,int,string,int);

    void setRetname (string);
    string getRetname ();

    void setRetid (int);
    int getRetid ();

    void show_info ();



    #include "Employee.h"
    #include "Retailer.h"
    using namespace std;

    Retailer::Retailer (string RNM,int RID,string NM,int ID)
    :Employee (NM,ID)

    void Retailer::setRetname(string NM)
    retname = NM;

    string Retailer::getRetname()
    return retname;

    void Retailer::setRetid (int ID)
    retid = ID;

    int Retailer::getRetid()
    return retid;

    void Retailer::show_info()
    cout << "Retailer Name = " << getRetname() << endl;
    cout << "Retailer Id = " << getRetid() << endl;
    cout << "\n\n";

    #include "Customer.h"
    #include "Retailer.h"
    using namespace std;

    int main()
    Customer c1("Hilmi Idris",1231,"Shairazey",3455);

    Retailer r1("Mohd Izzat",4455,"Bazli Aghniya",8877);

    return 0;

    Ok. Thats all. If you have any problem or any error occurs. Please contact me immediately, but i am sure no error. Thank you.

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